Hey Xbox One, Where’s the Kinect Games?

Written by on June 11, 2013 in [, , ]

While watching the Microsoft E3 press conference on Monday, June 10th I was surprised that there were no Kinect games announced. This was different from just a year ago. In 2012, the message was all about how to get the family involved in using the Kinect. This year it was so different. It was all about how to get the “hardcore” gamer to buy into the Xbox One.

This really surprises me when it has been said that the Kinect is going to be integrated into the Xbox One experience. Since the Kinect’s launch, games that have been created for it have become so much more integrated and far superior to gameplay on other platforms. Dance Central has always been the forerunner when it comes to these types of games. Dance Central's developer, Harmonix, announced that it is creating a new game for the Xbox One, Fantasia, but even that game was not mentioned at the Xbox media briefing.

Gamers know that the Kinect will come with the Xbox One and that it will be a main component of this new console, so it makes me wonder why games for the device was absent from the event. Maybe Microsoft is changing its tune to appeal to “core” gamers, but then they are brushing aside those who use the Kinect a lot. I guess we will have to wait and see if the Kinect will still be used for more than just a handful games and a way to navigate it's operating system or if it will be seen as something that has tons of potential.


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Author: Kelly Brown View all posts by

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