Curtain Pulls Back from Dead Island: Riptide’s New Character…

… at least a little. Revealed today was the fifth character that players will be able to use in the upcoming Dead Island: Riptide game. The new hero, named John Morgan, was inspired by some fan mods of the original Dead Island and features full-on fisticuffs. While that was kind of Sam B’s fury thing, without a new skill tree to take a peek at we can only presume that either Sam will change a bit or that John has a few other surprises up his sleeves.

Players will be able to explore the new island of Palanai, which used to cater to the rich and famous yacht owner types, but now (much like the rest of the Banoi archipelago) caters mostly to zombies. With his career in the US Navy having amounted to nothing more than the rank of ship’s cook, it’s understandable that John would willingly put his years of hand-to-hand combat training to use against the undead, perhaps taking out some of the anger caused by what we can only imagine were near-constant jokes reminding Morgan he wasn’t a Captain.

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Author: Patrick Cassin View all posts by
Patrick has been playing games since the days of Pong. To support his video game habit he got his BA in English. Then he cut down some trees, put out some fires, rescued some dolphins, got paid to go to prison, and arrested someone's horse. Now he writes the things he imagines that you LOL at.

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