Resident Evil 6 Game Play Videos


I still hail Capcom‘s Resident Evil 4 as one of the greatest games ever! However,Resident Evil 5 was, for me, a disappointment. It couldn’t decide if it wanted to be a survival horror or an action horror.  It forwent much of what made Resident Evil 4 so good in order to be more “playable.”  It also just never felt scary, and when you’re Chris, a man who is the size of a barn and carrying an assault rifle, it makes sense why some of elements of horror would disappear. I enjoyed the game, it just wasn’t nearly as memorable as RE4.

So now Resident Evil 6 is coming out, and it looks like they are seriously addressing some of the atmosphere issues of RE5.  Instead of following one person’s storyline, it looks like Capcom has decided to split it between three people, Chris Redfield, Leon Kennedy, and Jake Muller.

Leon seems to have the more survival aspect.  Here we see him in a dark subway fighting zombies with just his pistol.  This video is focusing more on how you can move in RE6.  Looks interesting, and no, I don’t think that “moving while shooting” will destroy the game.  It’s all about atmosphere, and the dark and dingy subway can provide just that atmosphere.

In this next game play video, Chris is back in his BSAA gear and he seems to be with a team.  His story will be the action sections with lots of enemies and big guns.  I do like how they will counter the big guns with more unique enemies.  

I don’t know much about Jake and how his story will play out, but he seems to be with Leon in this trailer. This video shows how the weapon and menu systems will work, which are taken a cue more from RE5 than RE4.  This video also seems to show a lot of the physical moves that you can perform.  I wonder if Jake’s game play will be similar to Wesker in the Mercenaries from both RE4 and RE5

Resident Evil 6 should be interesting.  I really would like to see them go back to what made RE4 so good, but if they can make the story intriguing, than I think we are in for a fantastic game.  If you missed it before, here is the E3 trailer which focuses more on the story than the game play.

Resident Evil 6 is set to release on October 2, 2012 for the Xbox 360 and Playstaion 3. It will also be released at a future date for PC.

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