Developer Diaries for “Once Upon A Monster” Released

It’s almost been two month’s since the doubly fine people at Double Fine Productions unleashed the furry with Sesame Street: Once Upon A Monster upon the public and they have released a few developer diaries that explain the challenges of bringing the kid friendly co-op game to consumers.

Each video was shot with a different aspect of those challenges.  In Fun Gameplay for All Ages they discuss why it was important to have that co-op work across generations.  In Important Life Lessons , the developers discuss how they worked with Children’s Television Workshop to fit the game into the non-profit group’s curriculum.  In the final video, A Storybook World, the panel discusses how and why they think the game will promote reading.

After taking a look at the videos myself, the thing that really sticks out is how nearly every criticism I mentioned in my review of the game is addressed in them.

Sesame Street: Once Upon A Monster is available in stores now, exclusively for use with the Xbox 360 Kinect platform.


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